--- title: Introduction to the `clinUtils` package author: "Laure Cougnaud and Michela Pasetto" date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%B %d, %Y')`" output: rmarkdown::html_document: toc: true toc_float: true toc_depth: 5 number_sections: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to the `clinUtils` package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- # Introduction ```{r optionsChunks, echo = FALSE, cache = FALSE} library(knitr) tmpdir <- tempdir() knitr::opts_chunk$set( message = FALSE, # stop document execution if error (not the default) error = FALSE, # stop-on-error fig.align = "center", fig.path = file.path(tmpdir, "./figures_vignette/"), echo = TRUE ) ``` This package `clinUtils` contains functionalities to facilitate the analysis of clinical datasets in R. ```{r loadPackages} library(clinUtils) # packages required for the examples in the vignette library(ggplot2) library(pander) library(htmltools) library(plyr) ``` Please note that the interactive outputs (table/visualization) in this vignette are only included if [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) is available (pre-requisite for R Markdown). # Data pre-processing ## Data import The [`haven`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=haven) R package enables to load SAS datasets in `sas7bdat` and `xpt` formats. The function `loadDataADaMSDTM` is a wrapper to import multiple SAS datasets in `sas7bdat` or `xpt` format at once. It returns a list of dataset (once by domain). The variable labels are combined across datasets and available in a dedicated attribute. ```{r loadData} pathExampleDatasets <- list.files( path = system.file("extdata", "cdiscpilot01", "SDTM", package = "clinUtils"), pattern = "*.xpt", full.names = TRUE ) data <- loadDataADaMSDTM(files = pathExampleDatasets) # A list is returned, each separated file is accessible via data$[fileName] pander(head(data$DM, 2)) pander(head(data$LB, 2)) pander(head(data$AE, 2)) # Access labels for all variables labelVars <- attr(data, "labelVars") head(labelVars) # Access label for a particular variable: labelVars["USUBJID"] ``` ## Example datasets To demonstrate the functionalities of this package, a subset of the datasets from the CDISC Pilot 01 study is available in the package as dataset. ### ADaM ```{r exampleDataset-ADaM} # load data data(dataADaMCDISCP01) dataADaM <- dataADaMCDISCP01 names(dataADaM) pander(head(dataADaM$ADSL, 2)) pander(head(dataADaM$ADLBC, 2)) pander(head(dataADaM$ADAE, 2)) # and variable labels labelVarsADaM <- attr(dataADaM, "labelVars") head(labelVarsADaM) ``` ### SDTM ```{r exampleDataset-SDTM} # load data data(dataSDTMCDISCP01) dataSDTM <- dataSDTMCDISCP01 names(dataSDTM) pander(head(dataSDTM$DM, 2)) pander(head(dataSDTM$LB, 2)) pander(head(dataSDTM$AE, 2)) # and variable labels labelVarsSDTM <- attr(dataSDTM, "labelVars") head(labelVarsSDTM) ``` ## Variable labels Typical data stored in SAS contains the label for each variable available in the dataset. The function `getLabelVar` extracts the label for the specified variable(s), ensuring that the variable code is used if no label is specified. ```{r getLabelVar} # variable label is extracted from 'labelVars' getLabelVar(var = "AEDECOD", labelVars = labelVars) ``` This function also supports extraction of variable labels from the 'label' attribute of the column, as in the tibble as returned by the `read_sas`/`read_xpt` functions from the `haven` package. ## Get parameter label from its parameter code In typical basic CDISC dataset (a.k.a BDS: Basic Data Structure), as laboratory, vital signs datasets, variables are available to store parameter and parameter code (`PARAM`/`PARAMCD` in ADaM). The function `getLabelParamcd` get the label from specific parameter(s) code. Variables with parameter name and code are based by default on standard ADaM CDISC parameter variables (`PARAM`/`PARAMCD`). ```{r getLabelParamcd} # For ADaM dataset getLabelParamcd(paramcd = "CHOL", data = dataADaM$ADLB) getLabelParamcd(paramcd = "BILI", data = dataADaM$ADLB) # For SDTM dataset getLabelParamcd(paramcd = "CHOL", data = dataSDTM$LB, paramcdVar = "LBTESTCD", paramVar = "LBTEST") getLabelParamcd(paramcd = "BILI", data = dataSDTM$LB, paramcdVar = "LBTESTCD", paramVar = "LBTEST") ``` # Visualizations ## Palette for CDISC variables Palette for typical CDISC-variable(s) are available in the package. ### Normal reference range indicators Meaningful colors and symbols for a Normal Reference Range Indicator CDISC variable (`-NRIND`) are extracted via the `colorPaletteNRIND` and `shapePaletteNRIND` respectively: ```{r palette-show} print(colorPaletteNRIND) print(shapePaletteNRIND) ``` ```{r palette-plot, fig.height = 8} plot( x = seq_along(colorPaletteNRIND), col = colorPaletteNRIND, bg = colorPaletteNRIND, pch = shapePaletteNRIND ) text( x = seq_along(colorPaletteNRIND), labels = names(colorPaletteNRIND), pos = 3 ) title("Palette for CDISC normal reference range indicator") ``` The `getPaletteCDISC` function extracts such palette for a specified variable. This retains only the categories available in the variable, and ensures that extra symbols are extracted in case non standard categories are available in the data. ```{r getPaletteCDISC} dataPlot <- subset(dataSDTM$LB, LBTEST == "Leukocytes") colorPalette <- getPaletteCDISC(x = dataPlot$LBNRIND, var = "NRIND", type = "color") print(colorPalette) shapePalette <- getPaletteCDISC(x = dataPlot$LBNRIND, var = "NRIND", type = "shape") print(shapePalette) # visualize profile over time gg <- ggplot(data = dataPlot) + geom_point(aes(x = LBDY, y = LBSTRESN, color = LBNRIND, fill = LBNRIND, shape = LBNRIND)) + ggtitle("Evolution of Leukocytes actual value over time") print(gg) # use 'standard' symbols/colors # ('limits' is only required if the categories are not already ordered in LBNRIND) gg + scale_color_manual(values = colorPalette, limits = names(colorPalette)) + scale_fill_manual(values = colorPalette, limits = names(colorPalette)) + scale_shape_manual(values = shapePalette, limits = names(colorPalette)) ``` ## Get default palettes Default palettes for visualizations are included in the package. Palettes can be extracted based on a variable, or number of elements. These packages are included for consistency across the entire suite of R packages. ```{r palettes} dataPlot <- subset(dataADaM$ADLB, PARAMCD == "CHOL") # extract palettes colorPalette <- getColorPalette(x = dataPlot$USUBJID) shapePalette <- getShapePalette(x = dataPlot$USUBJID) linetypePalette <- getLinetypePalette(x = dataPlot$USUBJID) # create the plot ggplot(data = dataPlot, aes(x = ADY, y = CHG, color = USUBJID)) + geom_point(aes(shape = USUBJID)) + geom_line(aes(linetype = USUBJID, group = USUBJID)) + scale_color_manual(values = colorPalette) + scale_shape_manual(values = shapePalette) + scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypePalette) + labs(x = "Relative day", y = "Change from baseline", title = "Profile plot of cholesterol change from baseline") ``` Custom palettes can be specified via the `palette` parameter. # Tables ## Rounding In R, numbers are by default rounded to the even digit for rounding off a 5. Numbers can be rounded based on the 'rounding up' strategy for rounding off a 5 with `roundHalfUp` & `roundHalfUpTextFormat`. This is useful when statistics created with the `SAS` software should be reproduced in R. ```{r roundHalfUp} # round up roundHalfUp(c(0.45, 0.55), 1) # versus R default: round(c(0.45, 0.55), 1) ``` ## Display data in an interactive table The `getClinDT` function is an utility function, based on the the [DT](https://cran.r-project.org/package=DT) package, with sensitive default settings and extra common functionalities of interest for data in clinical trials, as listing or summary tables of descriptive statistics. There are built-in functionalities to expand row variable(s) to display patient-specific information or include bar visualization. ```{r createDataAE} dataTEAE <- subset(dataADaM$ADAE, SAFFL == "Y" & TRTEMFL == "Y") # set column names to labels labelVarsTEAE <- getLabelVar( var = colnames(dataTEAE), labelVars = labelVarsADaM ) colnamesTEAE <- setNames(names(labelVarsTEAE), labelVarsTEAE) dataTEAE <- dataTEAE[order(dataTEAE$AESOC), ] ``` ```{r getClinDT, eval = rmarkdown::pandoc_available()} getClinDT( dataTEAE, colnames = colnamesTEAE, rowGroupVar = c("AESOC"), barVar = "AGE", barRange = c(0, 100), caption = "Listing of treatment-emergent adverse events on the safety analysis set" ) ``` ## Comparison of tables In clinical trials, datasets are typically delivered in successive batches, depending on the patient recruitment and the different milestones of the study. The changes between successive data deliveries can be compared with the `compareTables` function. ```{r compareTables} # Build example dataset with treatment-emergent adverse events # of multiple batches varsListing <- c("USUBJID", "AESOC", "AEDECOD", "ASTDT", "AESEV", "AEOUT") dataTEAEListing <- dataTEAE[, varsListing] # simulate removal of observations in new batch dataTEAENew <- dataTEAE[-sample.int(n = nrow(dataTEAEListing), size = 3), ] # simulate addition of observations in new batch dataTEAEOld <- dataTEAE[-sample.int(n = nrow(dataTEAEListing), size = 3), ] # simulate change of observations dataTEAEOld[seq_len(2), "AESEV"] <- "SEVERE" refVars <- c("USUBJID", "AESOC", "AEDECOD", "ASTDT") tableComparison <- compareTables( newData = dataTEAENew, oldData = dataTEAEOld, referenceVars = refVars, changeableVars = setdiff(colnames(dataTEAEListing), refVars), # parameters passed to datatable colnames = setNames(names(labelVarsADaM), labelVarsADaM) ) ``` The new, old datasets with change information, or the difference between datasets are extracted. See documentation of `outputType` parameter for further details. The table below highlight the differences between the datasets in an interactive table. ```{r compareTables-table-comparison-interactive, eval = rmarkdown::pandoc_available()} tableComparison$`table-comparison-interactive` ``` # Reporting ## Include list of objects in a _Rmarkdown_ document Dedicated functions: `knitPrintListPlots` and `knitPrintListObjects` are available to include a list of plots/objects in a `Rmarkdown` document, enabling to specify any ([knitr](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=knitr)) chunk options and title header for each object. This function inserts each object in a separated code chunk, such as independent option (as figure dimensions) can be specified for each object. Please note that this function should be used within a chunk having the option: **`results = 'asis'`**. ### Static visualizations (`ggplot2`) For example, by default in knitr the options to specify figure dimensions should be the same for all plots generated from the same chunk (`fig.height`/`fig.width`). Plots can be included with different specified dimension with: `knitPrintListPlots`. ```{r figure-static-knitPrintListPlots, out.width = "100%", warning = FALSE, results = "asis"} dataLB <- subset(dataSDTM$LB, LBTESTCD %in% c("ALB", "ALT", "CHOL", "HCT", "KETONES", "PH") ) dataLB$ACTARM <- dataSDTM$DM$ACTARM[match(dataLB$USUBJID, dataSDTM$DM$USUBJID)] # create plots: listPlotsLB <- plyr::dlply(dataLB, "LBCAT", function(data) ggplot(data = data) + geom_histogram(aes(fill = LBNRIND, x = ACTARM), stat = "count", position = "dodge") + facet_wrap(~LBTEST) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -45, hjust = 0)) ) # n2mfrow: extract default dimensions for a specified number of plots figDim <- plyr::dlply(dataLB, "LBCAT", function(data) n2mfrow(length(unique(data$LBTESTCD))) ) knitPrintListPlots( plotsList = listPlotsLB, generalLabel = "lab-hist-static", type = "ggplot2", # set caption for each figure fig.cap = paste("Barplot of", tolower(names(listPlotsLB)), "measurements"), # specify different dimensions fig.width = sapply(figDim, "[[", 1) * 2 + 1, # 3 in for each plot + 1 in for the legend fig.height = sapply(figDim, "[[", 2) * 2 + 2, # 3 in for each plot + 2 for x-axis labels # include title before each visualization titles = simpleCap(tolower(names(listPlotsLB))), titleLevel = 4 ) ``` ### Interactive visualizations (`plotly`) A list of interactive figures is created with the `plotly` package: ```{r figure-interactive-creation} library(plotly) listPlotsInteractiveLB <- sapply(listPlotsLB, function(ggplot) ggplotly(ggplot) %>% partial_bundle() , simplify = FALSE) ``` #### `htmltools::tagList` A list of interactive figures can be included within a _Rmarkdown_ document with the `tagList` function of the `htmltools` package. ```{r figure-interactive-tagList, warning = FALSE, results = "asis", eval = rmarkdown::pandoc_available()} tagListArgs <- mapply(list, # section header lapply(names(listPlotsInteractiveLB), htmltools::h4), # interactive plots listPlotsInteractiveLB, SIMPLIFY = FALSE ) tagListArgs <- unlist(tagListArgs, recursive = FALSE) do.call(htmltools::tagList, tagListArgs) ``` #### Inclusion in a separated chunk The function `knitPrintListPlots` with the `type` set to 'plotly' enables to include additionally e.g. a caption or a title. ```{r figure-interactive-knitPrintListPlots, warning = FALSE, results = "asis", eval = rmarkdown::pandoc_available()} knitPrintListPlots( plotsList = listPlotsInteractiveLB, generalLabel = "lab-hist-interactive", type = "plotly", # include title before each visualization titles = simpleCap(tolower(names(listPlotsInteractiveLB))), titleLevel = 5 ) ``` ### Tables (`flextable`) The [`flextable`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=flextable) package enables to create highly customizable tables for Word/PowerPoint format (among others). The function `knitPrintListObjects` enables to include a **list of `flextable` objects** within a single chunk. Please note that the following chunk option should be used: **`results = 'asis'`**. ```{r table-flextable-knitPrintListObjects, warning = FALSE, results = "asis"} library(flextable) listFtLB <- plyr::dlply(dataLB, "LBCAT", function(dataParcat){ flextable::flextable(data = head(dataParcat)) }) knitPrintListObjects( xList = listFtLB, generalLabel = "lab-listing-ft", titles = simpleCap(tolower(names(listFtLB))), # different alignment for each table ft.align = c("center", "right", "left"), titleLevel = 4 ) ``` Please note that the table alignment option is more visible in a Word output format. # Appendix ## Session info ```{r includeSessionInfo, echo = FALSE} pander(sessionInfo()) ```