patientProfilesVis 2.0.9 (2024-06-18)
- fix ggplot2 >= 3.5.0: include all palette elements in legend if specified
- fix links in Rd files
patientProfilesVis 2.0.8 (2024-06-13)
- fixes for ggplot2 updates:
- no use of aes_string
- geom_line: use of linewidth instead of size
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: new caption parameter
patientProfilesVis 2.0.7 (2024-03-09)
- tests:
- add explicit package name for non exported functions
- combine vertically ggplot: fix for extraction margin widths (ggplot >= 3.5.0)
patientProfilesVis 2.0.6 (2023-12-12)
- tests - time transformation: fix for scales 1.3.0
- doc: remove description-like items in itemize (R-devel 11/10/2023)
- add Cairo to system requirements (for creation of pdf report)
patientProfilesVis 2.0.5 (2022-11-18)
- reference lines - updates for ggplot2 >= 3.4.0:
- unit test for 'custom subject variable' more generic
- geom line: switch from size -> linewidth
patientProfilesVis 2.0.4
- subject profile line plot: fix unit test random generation of subject IDs
patientProfilesVis 2.0.3
- add tests for getNLinesSubjectProfile
patientProfilesVis 2.0.2 (2021-09-28)
- fix issue empty page start report
- fix issue figure overflows page for parameter var with multiple lines
- interval plot: fix issue small height for non specified time start/end shape var
- get shape palette patient profiles: fix for asText set to FALSE
- time profile interval plot: remove deprecated param timeLabel (replaced by timeLab)
- subject profile combine: remove spec of timeAlign as a logical (deprecated, replaced by timeAlign = 'all'/'none')
- unit tests: updates based on independent review
patientProfilesVis 2.0.1 (2021-07-13)
- vignette: shorten path exported figures (CRAN requirement for Windows)
patientProfilesVis 2.0.0 (2021-06-14)
- change default color palette to generic: get[Color|Shape|Linetype]PalettePatientProfile
- fix in case bookmarkVar is a factor
- new options to set color/shape palette globally
- figure dir not created if exportFigures is FALSE on Windows
- no export of getPathTemplate
patientProfilesVis 1.5.0
- add unit tests
- no export of subjectProfileTheme
- subjectProfileTextPlot:
- fix ordering in case paramNameVar is a factor
- param value lab is used even if not table
- table output:
- records sorted based on value var (especially for factor)
- fix in case only one param value var is specified
- subjectProfileEventPlot/subjectProfileLinePlot/subjectProfileIntervalPlot:
- records sorted based on levels of param var if factor
- missing values in paramVar or paramNameVar are not filtered
- extract number of lines legend from plot instead of data for simplicity
- subjectProfileEventPlot:
- fix when paramVarLab not specified for all vars
- x lab set to time lab by default
- subjectProfileEvent/subjectProfileLinePlot:
- shape lab set to color lab if color but not shape var specified
- fix in case shape and color vars are the same
- subjectProfileLinePlot:
- remove warning if ref var are missing
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot
- correct typo: 'data-by-subject' -> 'data-based'
- remove rangeSimilarStartEnd parameter (not used)
- add info on imputation in the caption
- subjectProfileCombine:
+ attribute nLinesPlot -> metaData$nLines for consistency with subject plot fct
- getPageVar:
- fix when only one var is specified
- fct renaming:
- getNLinesYGgplot -> getNLinesSubjectProfile
- getXLimSubjectProfilePlots -> getTimeLimSubjectProfilePlots
patientProfilesVis 1.4.3
- change default palette for Windows support: u25C0 -> u25C4, u25B6 -> u25BA, u271A -> +, u2605 (star) -> u2666 (diamond), u25EF -> u25CB
patientProfilesVis 1.4.2
- subjectProfile[Interval|Event|Line]Plot: fix extraction size legend, add space between legend lines
patientProfilesVis 1.4.1
patientProfilesVis 1.4.0
- add unit tests figures
- filterData/subjectProfile[X]Plot/createSubjectProfileReport: new subsetSample parameter
patientProfilesVis 1.3.0
- change imports of color palette
- createSubjectProfileReport: test if input list is empty
patientProfilesVis 1.2.0
- add vignette with standard patient profiles for SDTM data
- prepareSubjectProfile: fix in case trans and all missing values for interval plot
- subjectProfileLinePlot: fix for orientation of paramNameVar labels in ggplot2 >= 3.0.0
- fix bug when Rmd created after createSubjectProfileReport
- get[]ShapePalettePatientProfile: fix mix Unicode and ggplot2 palettes (asText = TRUE)
patientProfilesVis 1.1.0
- formatParamVar -> formatVarForPlotLabel/formatLongLabel: moved to utility pkg
patientProfilesVis 1.0.0
- change default time imputation in subjectProfileIntervalPlot (see 'timeImpType' parameter)
- getXLimSubjectProfilePlots: fixes for empty interval plot
patientProfilesVis 0.12.1
- formatParamVar: fix message issue grouping
- subjectProfileTextPlot: fix panel grid ggplot2 >= 3.3.0
patientProfilesVis 0.12.0
- checkTimeTrans: fix in case all cont module have the same transf
- subjectProfileLinePlot: shapeSize, paramNameVar can be multiple
- createSubjectProfileReport: exportBatchSize, subjectSort[] used also for order export of patient profiles, subjectSortDecreasing
patientProfilesVis 0.11.0
- subjectProfileLinePlot: yLimFrom new parameter
patientProfilesVis 0.10.0
- legend: fix when number of levels in aes var higher that represented levels
- subjectProfile[Interval|Line|Event]Plot: alpha parameter
- createSubjectProfileReport: suppress warnings Sweave
- prepareSubjectProfile: remove message: 'scale already present'
- vignette: more extensive example timeAlign/timeAlignPerSubject
patientProfilesVis 0.9.2
- createSubjectProfileReport: set knitr environment (to be used within rmd doc)
- export convertAesVar
patientProfilesVis 0.9.1
- createSubjectProfileReport: margin set by patient if reportPerSubject
patientProfilesVis 0.9.0
- subjectProfileCombine: fix extraction time limits in case no plot
- remove panel border for empty plot
- timeExpand
patientProfilesVis 0.8.0
- subjectProfileTextPlot: fix in case paramValueVar is empty
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: use vertical segment if start and end dates are equal
patientProfilesVis 0.7.0
- timeAlign, timeAlignPerSubject: specification per or across modules
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: fix when timeTrans and same start/end values
patientProfilesVis 0.6.0
- subjectProfileTextPlot: table format
- custom 'trans', getTimeTrans
patientProfilesVis 0.5.0
- createSubjectProfileReport: reportPerSubject and extend outputFile for different directory
patientProfilesVis 0.4.0
- createSubjectProfileReport/subjectProfileIntervalPlot: timeAlign
- defineIndex: fix index specification
- report: support unicode font (use cairo_pdf instead of pdf)
patientProfilesVis 0.3.0
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: new parameters: timeStartShapeVar/timeEndShapeVar
- fix issue tibble: convert input data as data.frame
patientProfilesVis 0.2.0
- save nLines at module plot creation instead of extracting them when combining plots
- when combining plots across modules, close graphic device only at the end
- formatParamVar: fix warning when multiple 'paramGroupVar'
- get[]ShapePalettePatientProfile
- getPageVar: fix for plot with multiple lines
- fix to remove warning: 'Coordinate system already present.'
- subjectProfileLinePlot: fix to remove warning: 'geom_path: Each group consists of only one observation'
- additional messages for verbose
- enable parallelized computations with 'nCores'
- createSubjectProfileReport: subjectSubset fix
- 'paging' parameter: enable export into one page
- subsetData parameter available in each plot function
patientProfilesVis 0.1.0
- example datasets moved to the utility pkg
- get[]ColorPalettePatientProfile/get[]LinetypePalettePatientProfile
patientProfilesVis 0.0.16
- subjectProfileTextPlot: concatenate multiple value variable with ', '
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: timeLabel
- subjectProfile[Interval|Event|Line]Plot: use standard color palette if no color variable is specified
patientProfilesVis 0.0.15
- changes for []UtilityFct version 0.0.3
- subjectProfile[Event|Interval]Plot: paramVarSep, by default ' - ' instead of ' '
- getNLinesYGgplot: add space for subject profile event and interval
- formatParamVar: fix when empty string in paramVar
patientProfilesVis 0.0.14
- createSubjectProfileReport: add subjectSubset[Data|Var|Value] parameters
- child document: remove space and file separator for file name of exported image, include shiny progress message for each patient
- formatParamVar: fix in case similar levels with space difference
patientProfilesVis 0.0.13
- remove knitPrintListPlotsKnitr function
- include tests for each subjectProfile[*]Plot function with vdiffr package
patientProfilesVis 0.0.12
- include directly plots in report
- getPageVar/countNLines: fix when variable contains missing value
- subjectProfileTextPlot: wrap text in panel across multiple lines (formatParamVarTextPlot new function)
- getNLinesYGgplot: fix for text plot + increase size for text
- report: fix for margins and landscape layout
patientProfilesVis 0.0.11
- subjectProfileTextPlot: fix in case subjectVar same as paramNameVar/paramValueVar
patientProfilesVis 0.0.10
- externalise the functions getPatient[Color|Shape]Palette, and data function in utility pkg
patientProfilesVis 0.0.9
- getNLinesGgplot: check/extract number of lines in legend (getNLinesLegend new function)
- formatTimeInterval: fix issue extraction limits
- filterData/formatParamVar: warning in case variable not in data
patientProfilesVis 0.0.8
- subjectProfileCombine/prepareSubjectProfile/combineVerticallyGGplot: changes to align plots across pages
- subjectProfileTextPlot: possibility to have multiple paramValueVar if paramNameVar specified
- subjectProfileLinePlot: shapeVar/colorVar for point only
- formatParamVar/subjectProfileReportFormat: set maximum length y-variable: yLabelWidth
patientProfilesVis 0.0.7
- subjectProfileCombine: adapt progress message
- use egg package to combine plots across modules
- automatic split within module: subjectProfileReportFormat, getPageVar functions and formatReport parameter
- getNLinesYGgplot: fix for interval plot
- combineVerticallyGGplot: close plotting window in case the egg package is used
- subjectProfileCombineOnce: fix automatic split of figures into multiple pages (new function: getSplitVectorByInt)
- bookmark: fixes for multiple plots per subject in knitPrintListPlotsKnitr and double backslash in defineIndex, only one column
patientProfilesVis 0.0.6
- subjectProfileLinePlot: include colorPalette
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: don't delete records without start date, different arrows for missing start/end dates
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: consider min/max time per subject in case of missing date, include timeLimData/timeLimVar
- addReferenceLinesProfilePlot: fix issue for panel plot (e.g. line plot) and use geom_text to get labels reference lines
patientProfilesVis 0.0.5
- add concomitant medications in vignette
- getNLinesYGgplot: extend to multiple panels
- subjectProfileLinePlot: add paramValueRangeVar
- subsetVar and subsetValue
patientProfilesVis 0.0.4
- subjectProfileIntervalPlot: re-label [start|end]Var -> time[Start|end]Var and use arrow for non-ending interval
- use viridisLite instead of viridis paclage
- createSubjectProfileReport: automatic split of modules across pages in report
- subjectProfileTextPlot: concatenate information if duplicated info
- subjectProfileLinePlot
- getXLimSubjectProfilePlots: fix extraction limits for interval plot
- add sessionInfo, shiny parameter
- rename loadDataADaM by loadDataADaMSDTM
- defineIndex: fix when only one variable is used
- createSubjectProfileReport: possibility to sort subjects based on a variable
patientProfilesVis 0.0.3
- subjectProfileTextPlot: possibility to have multiple paramValueVar in same line, fix ordering
- subjectProfileTextPlot: paramValueVar can be a function
- subjectProfile[Interval|Event]Plot: colorPalette and getPatientColorPalette
- subjectProfileEventPlot: shapePalette and getPatientShapePalette
- add label attributes reported in case plot is empty
- add grouping variable
- subjectProfileTheme
- loadDataADAM: include support for date/time format
- createSubjectProfileReport/subjectProfileCombine: add refLines parameter
- new addReferenceLinesProfilePlot function
- add bookmark functionality
- include missing values in palette
patientProfilesVis 0.0.2
- remove utility pkg from the dependencies
patientProfilesVis 0.0.1